Daytime DJs
Tim Cichocki: (Junk Vinyl)
Kim Wilson: (House Party)
Brian Carlson
Morrigan Knox: Barefoot Wildwoman (Barefoot Wildwoman Underground)
Patrick Turlo: Captain Barney (Jailhouse Blues)
Hunter J. Wilbur: DJ Hunter
Annie Stillwater Gray (DJ Annie)
Andy Wendell (DJ Timewalker): Jazzbeat
Tim Smith (Timtron)
Jeff Hayward (DJ Jeff): Arrested Development
Brian Camire (DJ Lard): Cell Block Rock
Tom and Peg Hamilton (Hambone & Greta): Great Escape
Jan Edwards (DJ Jan): Dancing with Jan
Tim Forsman (DJ Tim): Jigs, Hoedowns, and Songs o' Tragedy
Clay Camero: Inside Outlaw
Darryll White: The Quarter Hour
Janny Taylor: Spin Moll
Earl Boyd: Jitterbug Jimmy and Miss Demeanor (Face the Music)
Paul Gregoire: Mondo Franco
Daytime Shows
All times are approximate.
Live Streaming at: HooSkow Radio Live Stream
9-10 a.m. - The General Store Variety Show (Annie & Andy)
7-8 a.m. - Mystic Sister (DJ Annie)
8-9 a.m. - Spiritual Awakening Radio (James Bean)
9-11 a.m. - Sunday morning programming (DJ Timewalker, DJ Annie, and others)
5-6 p.m. - The Guest Room: Jitterbug Jimmy and Miss Demeanor
5-6 p.m. - The General Store Variety Show (Annie & Andy)
5-6 p.m. - The Guest Room: Jitterbug Jimmy and Miss Demeanor
Shows After Dark
All times are approximate.
8:30-9 p.m. - Inside Outlaw (Clay Camero)
9-10 p.m. - Radio Timtron Worldwide (Timtron)
8:00 pm - The Quarter Hour
8:30-9 p.m. - Inside Outlaw (Clay Camero)
9-10 p.m. - ARTfully Oriented Rock (James Bean)
11 p.m.-midnight - Mystic Sister (DJ Annie, DJ Timewalker)
9-11 p.m. - Jazzbeat After Hours (DJ Timewalker)
Midnight-1 a.m. - Spiritual Awakening Radio (James Bean)
9-11 p.m. - Unlock the Rock (DJ Annie)
9-10 p.m. - EDM Hour (DJ Beka, DJ Goki)
9-10 p.m. - Amp Ear, Cell Block Rock (DJ Lard)
10-11 p.m. - ARTfully Oriented Rock
9-11 p.m. - Graybar Hotel (Fazman)

Submit Info for the Community and Performing Arts Calendar
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